Jul 12, 2008

Fashion geek




Should've just given the guy a FF shirt and then only had one slide, or something. Actually finishing through the joke ruins it. D'oh.


You know, I am glad that you promoted yourself on digg. I'm really enjoying your stuff, and I love the layout. The one about the XKCD Sudo comment is probably my favorite so far. . . but not because I can, like, relate to the guy who didn't understand what it meant or anything.


i agree with anonymous...was funnier as a single slide. still good


Wow. You know, I totally didn't get it at first. I could've given some great suggestions for firefox too. But then it dawned on me... she's a girl, and dressed the way she is, indicates that it is likely it does not have anything to do with a computer. The hair of course! /palm to forehead.

Mama Bee Simple

waw haha this is great :)


give him a ff shirt.


hahaha, this is pretty funny.

I am so going to try this when I get donuts tomorrow morning.

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Hey, comments like “LOL” or “Sucks” are welcome, but I much prefer the ones who actually discuss the topic of the comic :) Using your name is better than anonymity too.