Sep 8, 2008

My Chrome




My new default browser:

Sean O'Hagan

Why doesn't it load in Firefox 2 or Chrome? I have to open IE to read it? Damn.


Sean O'Hagan: is that a joke...?

Sean O'Hagan

No joke. My settings must be screwed up. IE neither. Or Google reader...

When I right-click where the comic should be, it says "couldn't load movie". In all 3 browsers.



I guess it must be a problem with your Flash player. Could you see the other comics?

Sean O'Hagan

Just checked the Adobe site, my Flash player seems to be working okay.

I've seen your other comics on Firefox before. Just changed to Chrome last week.

There is a long "waiting for" message on Chrome's status bar.


Let's wait and see what other users say and we'll find out if it's a general problem or just yours.

Sean O'Hagan

Okay. fyi, I tried embedding it in my blog too, but no luck. Then I tried to access but it timed out. I'm in Japan, but I'm not having other web issues right now.


I also can't seem to view either this comic or the last one (Numbers). All the other ones I can view fine. Maybe it has something to do with the new site they're hosted on?

Sean O'Hagan

just to let you know, i can see all posts up until "numbers". i think i got "numbers" to work in IE last week. strange.


I've uploaded it to another server. Hope you can see it now.


I can't seen the comic either in Google Reader or directly in Firefox.

I use:
Flash Player
Firefox 3.0.1
Mac OS X 10.5.4


i can see all of them and im using firefox 3

Sean O'Hagan

I can see it now. Thanks!

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Hey, comments like “LOL” or “Sucks” are welcome, but I much prefer the ones who actually discuss the topic of the comic :) Using your name is better than anonymity too.